Sunday, September 25, 2011

Chapter 4: Eh, Where The Errand Boy? And... Who Are You!?

*Annoyed by internet connection*annoyed and a little disappointment*

In today morning, it's changed! there's no THAT errand boy again but instead he switch with THIS errand boy? well, i don't mean to insult, sorry big bro. You're hot but you can't makes my heart race like HE does but you are Hot you know? and this maybe like an insult but you looked like a cocky guy with you style and all. But you're hot, so don't get mad at me when you read this, okay? It's not like you ARE right? beside i don't know you very well much either. You know what your guys? everything changes, caterpillar turns to butterfly, kids to adults,  hate to love, me to you. Ops! that goes wrong. What about this>Alive To Death<. Awesome right!? Scary?! No,no,no,no,no,no,no~ awesome. Everyone afraid of death but i'll try to love Death. Beside, every living things die anyway. So, no much to talk. Oh well , back to page 2, about the errand boy. I felt kind of sad a little that he stopped sending the food and the smile of his to me. He is very friendly~ that's a good point about him and he somehow reminds me one of my classmates, Acap. Acap is dark and he is also dark. He thin and Acap thin. I wonder if Acap will be look a lot like of him in the future. Will it be heart race again? i don't think so. But on another story, positive side, it's good that the errand boy switch place of work with NOW errand boy. My life again in peace. How better~ Sometimes changes are very good to us and god knows more..... The End of the lessons

So! as i promise! Tada! Korean's Song time!!

And today main Picture is:-

                                       (under corruption! ICU)


Saturday, September 24, 2011

(Chapter 3)=>"All About Adam The Silly Kid"

*24/9/2011* Blinking in front of computer* heavy one eye(?)*

Once upon a time, there is a boy name Muhammad Zuhairi, everyone called he "Adam" but .. blablablabla.. Okay Stop! Oh well, i'm am very VERY unsatisfied with that spoiled kid. That's why i'm going to talk, insult, talk, insult, nag, nag, nag, nag about him! If your eyes are sore from reading it, S.o.r.r.y! Adam is a very VERY bad child and i hate him! i don't want to meet him again! it's good thing he move out from this hospital! Sayonara Adam! Love Ya! and don't come baaaack! but sometimes he can be a friend but EVERY TIME he is my enemy! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR~!!
 what's my problem, you said~? What's my problem!? that kid always disturb me, and bully me! i know it's very weird being bully by a kid that grade 1 and me the form 2!!? and even weird, he make me cried!? Weird eh? Uwaa~ i'm just like a kid, i should go to grade 1 back. Huhuhu~ goodbey my friends at 1 Bakti~~
Okay, nope, nope gonna happen~
Now, you tell me! what is HIS problem!!? i don't even do a thing at him at all! well i did insult he many time but i don't mean it (even i do, it's just mean to get close). If i do anything to him, he starts to cry but when he do something to me, he doesn't care at all, right~? Adam, you're so unfair~ i'm not a punchy bag, i talk, i have feelings, and i have blood!! i can get injure and i can even injure you. I don't think i have heard that the punch bag, punch the wrestler. It doesn't make any sense at all! and i have hands and it doesn't!  yes, mummy and daddy, i'm an adult now, that's why i learned to be patient around kids but kids also needs to be learned to respect the adults! right!? protest! protest! protest! well, the problem is Adam doesn't learned at all, he do it again and again and again, he ignore his mommy's words! Adam! bad boy! sit! ah- it's like petting a dog...
....... but what's the good thing about Adam is Adam is cute, no lies, it is ! but not VERY cute! even though everyone go "awwww", i go "ewww", Okay Adam?. Well i think the problem is:-...

  • I treat him very bad 
  • I treat him very very badly
  • I treat him very very very badly
  • I treat him very very very very badly

    Well, that's the only thing i can think right now.. I'm sorry Adam , it's just that i just want to be a good friend for you. but the problem is, age. It's block us from being a very good friend. Well, in your age, you can played around everyday, you can said some stupid thing, you can even do stupid things and you don't care but i'm different, i'm a teenager. I can't be a kids back, i have to move on, to be an adult and having responsiblities( Did i spells wrong? Oh my Allah(My God)/Astaghfiruallahalazim). I'm sorry, i can't be a good friend for you but we ARE friend right? i promise i won't treat you like a "friend-to-bully" but like a mother? ah.. right? mother is the best. LOL! can i ask something, Adam? if i be your mother, can i bully you? Hahaha~ \^o^/

Video For Today!!!>> Rock On, Sir! Japan again~ sorry, forgot to tell, i'm an otaku. but i still hear some korean song and my national song. Next post will be a korean song, I promise! let's make a pinky promise!
"Pinky Promise, Pinky Promise"
"If i break my promise"
"I will cut my pinky"
Okay Then! Hit It! One, Two, One, Two, ThreeFOUR!

Oh yeah one thing, sorry! i won't cover my yesterday's history! treat it's as Chuada's history at 23/9/2011 is 
DEAD ~ okay that's all !!

"My Favourite Character!!"

(23.9.2011)=(Chapter 2:"Ah-,Sad Or Neutral, Maybe Guilty?")


=>=> And Here I'm Am
=>=>=>Updating My Journal
=>=>=>=> Even though, It's Very Late( Well, Maybe Not "Very")
=>=>=>=>=>And I Have To Write My Diary Down Of Today Event.

 And here i'm am, being stupid and dance weirdly,the cause of awesomeness tiredness.Well......
Well, i'm am tired but not "awesome" , neither do i being stupid nor dance weirdly,... Maybe a little but it was on bed and i just moving my body to side and side when i hits the replay button. You know, in the same time, i insulting myself. Yeah~ Pity me. Insulting my flabby tummy, It's not FAT, it's just FLABBY kay? and don't start arguing with me!...
..... I'm am Fat...!

   Ne-Ne-Never mind, i'm am fat but i can be thin ya know? hehe~I-If i work hard ofcourse, i'm will daily-skipping ya know? i heard it's effective but if you eat more than excersice ,it doesn't get anywhere right?
that's why i eat very little (i think so) but anyway , today first event is about this guy, well, he works as the food taker and give?? something like that. Every morning i sees his face and also did he. He gives out my food and put it on my desk, infront of me and then we smiled at each other. Actually, i'm kind of nervous around him and i thought myself ,"I'm falling in love with HIM!?" but ofcourse NO WAY, really NO WAY!
eventhough i do, i won't admit i falled in love with him because it's not fair for him! i'm too fast falling in love if like that every guy that i meet, all is "LOVE!" and beside i think this is my phobia of men, so goodbye errand boy~~ second event? well i don't know if i'm sad about it or not but it's about Syafiqah is moving out from the hospital! well one thing i know is, i'm going to lose a friend of course but we can still contact right? Man~, if she's moving out, she should atleast drag me with her! okay no, that is kidnaping. Syafiqah is soo not guilty, sorry Syafiqah-Chan! Third event is..! Ding ding ding!! My mom READ my diary! mommy, you dummy! how could you! and i even give her slaps on her butt, not hard one, not so light one. A very slap one .Trust me, she also the cause why i don't want to write Diary. Geez, what should i do with you Dear Dia(Diary), should i lock you in something or what~ you're so.. so DEFENCELESS! well, it's good thing i don't write something very very privacy! if not, i'm going to be a mushroom and sit in the corner ALWAYS. That's all for today~ Thanks for reading~ Arigatou!

And Video for today:

"This.Is.Epic"(Top Comment, True!)

                                                                     >>>Now, Now, Now, Where is Teto?

Friday, September 23, 2011

(22.9.2011)=(Chapter 1)"Excited from 0 to 100 to 0? Duh-!"


  Generally speaking, I'm not too much into Diary and whatever things that maybe relates to diary such as Blog and such and such. My hands just itching from tapping the keyboard, not only my hand, my mind also go nuts about it, it keeps saying :"Can I do this or not, can I do this or not?".Well, at first, i though i have my own diary and journal will be cool but only a days I got really annoyed by it and, of course, I starts to ignore it. MY WORDS "YaDa-YaDa-YaDa" okay? and yes that right i shouldn't  butt in make another new Blog right? but hear out, my doctor want me to write diary about my blood glucose and she said i should start practise it right NOW or I stayed in Hospital Forever and beside there this kind of book that i just finished read it, the main character really loves writing and her Journal kind of interesting one. I wonder I can make one like that, Daily Journal. Okay! Wish me good luck! Me Too! Goodbye!

#Sorry for my bad English(cover face with pillow)*
Oh by the way, I'm enjoy this Japan's Song.
"Like always i love you, For you take my kiss
Because i can never forget, my precious memory
Dorayaki can't eat as a staple food
Why don't yoooou---..." Ah~ Goodbye!!
"Diary is a Buuuuuur~den!(for me)"