*Annoyed by internet connection*annoyed and a little disappointment*
In today morning, it's changed! there's no THAT errand boy again but instead he switch with THIS errand boy? well, i don't mean to insult, sorry big bro. You're hot but you can't makes my heart race like HE does but you are Hot you know? and this maybe like an insult but you looked like a cocky guy with you style and all. But you're hot, so don't get mad at me when you read this, okay? It's not like you ARE right? beside i don't know you very well much either. You know what your guys? everything changes, caterpillar turns to butterfly, kids to adults, hate to love, me to you. Ops! that goes wrong. What about this>Alive To Death<. Awesome right!? Scary?! No,no,no,no,no,no,no~ awesome. Everyone afraid of death but i'll try to love Death. Beside, every living things die anyway. So, no much to talk. Oh well , back to page 2, about the errand boy. I felt kind of sad a little that he stopped sending the food and the smile of his to me. He is very friendly~ that's a good point about him and he somehow reminds me one of my classmates, Acap. Acap is dark and he is also dark. He thin and Acap thin. I wonder if Acap will be look a lot like of him in the future. Will it be heart race again? i don't think so. But on another story, positive side, it's good that the errand boy switch place of work with NOW errand boy. My life again in peace. How better~ Sometimes changes are very good to us and god knows more..... The End of the lessons
So! as i promise! Tada! Korean's Song time!!
And today main Picture is:-
(under corruption! ICU)
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